For clients & vendors

Terms of Use


The photographs, digital negatives or prints produced by KATHRYN BRUNS PHOTOGRAPHY are protected by Copyright Law (all rights reserved) and may not be reproduced in any manner without KATHRYN BRUNS PHOTOGRAPHY’s explicit written permission, to maintain artistic choices and integrity. Upon final payment by THE CLIENT, limited copyright ownership of the resulting images will be transferred to THE CLIENT under the following conditions:

The negatives and/or slides are the property of THE CLIENT for personal use; the high resolution files are for the purposes of the reproduction and distribution of photographs as gifts to friends and relatives. They may be used for personal printing and online display. The photographs may NOT be cropped, edited, altered in any manner without written consent from the photographer.

THE CLIENT (or any vendors/companies who are given access to the images either from THE CLIENT or from KBP) must obtain written permission from, and compensate KATHRYN BRUNS PHOTOGRAPHY prior to an event where THE CLIENT, THE CLIENT’S friends or relatives publish or sell the photographs for profit. This includes contests, giveaways, etc. High resolution photographs may be used for printing, sharing and display.


Vendors with access to galleries agree that by use of any photographs copyrighted by Kathryn Bruns Photography, the VENDOR accepts and agrees to the following:

  • Photographs and digital images are not to be edited or altered in any way, including the use of social media filters.
  • Images may be used online or in printed products )such as, but not limited to: flyers, brochures, magazines, business cards, etc.) as long as the photos remain unedited and visible credit for Kathryn Bruns Photography is given.
  • For advertising such as billboards where visible credit is not possible, KBP will require a commercial use license and compensation. Please email to discuss those options.